How to Fill UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Online Form 2025
- Candidates are required to apply online only by using the website It is essential for the applicant to register himself/herself first at One Time Registration (OTR) platform, available on the Commission’s website, and then proceed for filling up the online application for the examination. OTR has to be registered only once in life time. This can be done anytime throughout the year. If the candidate is already registered,he/she can proceed straightway for filling up the online application for the examination.
- Modification in OTR Profile (Registration): In case, the candidate wants to effect any change in his/her OTR profile, it shall be allowed only once in the lifetime after the registration at OTR platform. The option to change in
OTR profile data shall be available till expiry of 07 days from the next day after the closure of application window of his/her first final application for any Examination of the Commission.
- LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS:- The Online Applications can be filled upto 25th March, 2025 till 18:00 Hours.
- The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admit Card on the last working day of preceding week of the date of the Examination. The e-Admit Card will be made available in the UPSC website [] for downloading by candidates. No Admission Certificate will be sent by post. All the applicants are required to provide valid and active E-Mail I.D. while filling up Online Application Form as the Commission may use electronic mode for contacting them at different stages of examination process.
- INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP OMR SHEETS: (a) For both writing and marking answers in the OMR Sheets (Answer Sheet) candidates must use black ball point pen only. Pens with any other colours are prohibited. Do not use Pencilor Ink pen. Candidates are further advised to read Special Instructions contained in Appendix-III of the Notice.
(b) Candidates should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in encoding/filling in details in the OMR answer sheet; especially with regard to Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code, will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
- CENTRES OF EXAMINATION: The Examination will be held at the following centres: 6
The centres and the date of holding the examination as mentioned above are liable to be changed at the discretion of the Commission. Applicants should note that there will be a ceiling on the number of candidates allotted to each of the Centres, except Chennai, Dispur, Kolkata and Nagpur. Allotment of Centres will be on the “first-apply-first allot” basis, and once the capacity of a particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen. Applicants, who cannot get a Centre of their Choice due to ceiling, will be required to choose a Centre from the remaining ones. Applicants are, thus, advised that they may apply early so that they may apply early so that they could get a Centre of their choice.
- Instruction in respect of uploading of Photograph while filling up online application
form:- (a) The photograph, uploaded by candidate should not be more than 10 days old from the start of the online application process (i.e. the application commencement date). (b) Ensure that the name of candidate and the date on which the photograph was taken are clearly mentioned on the photograph. (c) The candidate’s face should occupy 3/4th of the space in the photograph. (d) The candidates must ensure that their appearance must match with their photograph at each stage of the Examination Process i.e. at the time of Written and Interview/Personality Test. For instance, If a candidate uploads a bearded photograph, he must appear with the same look in the Written and Interview/Personality Test. Same would be the case with spectacles, moustaches, etc.
- The candidates should reach the venue of the Examination well in time at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of each session of the Examination. No late entry will be allowed inside the Exam-venue under any circumstances.
- The existing pattern of the Central Armed Police Force (AC) Examination has been revised. Therefore, candidates are requested to read the Notice and Rules of the Examination carefully.
- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Candidates are advised to read carefully “Special Instructions to the Candidates for Conventional Type Tests” (Appendix-IV).
- PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS (In Objective Type Question Paper): Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Paper.